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For organizations seeking a fl exible, high performance, private data network, Tata Communications delivers — Global VPN (Virtual Private Network) solutions that seamlessly converge data, voice, video and multimedia. Built on carrier-grade, IP-based platforms, the MPLS (Multi Protocol Label Switching) core offers greater security and redundancy. Global VPN offers an ideal solution for companies seeking a fl exible migration path from legacy networks and a cost-effective solution that will scale as business grows. Global VPN delivers the fl exibility that agile companies need to support changing communication requirements. The service also supports customized network prioritization to improve application performance for business-critical applications. Providing foolproof security, a fully meshed network design, and backed by guaranteed quality of service, Global VPN ensures superior delivery and high availability. With both managed and unmanaged VPN services available, Tata Communications provides the level of control that today’s enterprises require. 

Our MPLS (Multi-Protocol Label Switching) based Virtual Private Network (VPN) enables outsourcing buildings of enterprise wide area networks (WANs) as per business and functional requirements. We assure a fail-safe connection through a fully meshed network to help you optimize your business.  By simply plugging into the International network, corporate networks can be established to bring their offices and other business entities on-line with IT applications.  Authorized persons may connect to business networks from anywhere including remote locations. 

Based on the business requirements we provide you with domestic and global MPLS VPN services.


Global VPN Service Features
Enterprises can use Global VPN to reliably and securely deploy a wide range of prioritized, time sensitive applications. 

  • The Tata Communications global MPLS network with major points of presence (PoPs) in over 65 countries, enables end-to-end, secure networking. This network includes 120 MPLS PoPs in India. Four classes of service (CoS) to prioritize network traffi c, ensuring successful delivery and performance of critical applications.
  • Inter CoS bursting feature helps customers utilize higher available CoS bandwidth to optimize bandwidth usage across all network applications.
  • Stringent Service Level Agreements (SLAs) substantiate our commitment to quality.
  • Redundant network architecture supports “best path” routing of data, backup, and resiliency options for higher uptimes.
  • Access agnostic support for multiple access options such as PPP, Ethernet, etc.
  • IP multicast support on the MPLS backbone enables effi cient bandwidth utilization for video streaming, stock brokering and other multicast applications.

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